Beef Ban – My thoughts
Beef Ban – My thoughts
I knew Indian Government would Ban Beef and was waiting for
it being implemented and when I switched on my TV today, I was happy to see the
Ban in Maharashtra.
I welcome #BeefBan for only one reason and that is “Cow
is sacred to me and my fellow Hindus in India”.
So now I am asking these questions to myself because I
will be questioned the moment I publish these post.
1. Am
I being religious and happy my God wouldn’t be slaughtered anymore?
2. Am
I being communal and happy that my fellow Christian and Muslim friends would not
be able to eat Beef anymore?
3. Do
I really care about other lives? Do I care about all the animals on this
Let me start by saying – I am not religious and I am definitely
not communal.
I don’t visit temples, I have never read “Geeta” (Hindu
Holy Book), and I don’t know a single “Aarti” or a “Shlokha” or a “Chalisa” but
the only thing that I've believed is “Cow” and I've always said “I will die of hunger but will not eat
Beef”. I don’t stop people to eat Beef and neither do I get angry on
I am neither a communal person nor a radical Hindu. Yes,
I am very happy that cows wouldn’t be slaughtered anymore but am not happy
of the fact that my “Non-Hindu”, “Beef Eater Hindu” and other “Beef Eater” friends
will not be able to give their taste buds the juicy taste of Beef as they describe. Well, that's democracy my friends ! :-)
Yes, eating habits is a personal choice, but answer me,
is killing anyone to please our stomach and tongue justified?
Now people will call me hypocrite the moment
they read my thought above “killing a living thing and eating it for taste and
stomach is not justified” – because I eat Chicken and Mutton. I enjoy that
taste in spite of knowing that someone has killed a living thing for me to eat.
There are reasons behind me saying why it is not justified.
Reason 1: Cows are as important as Tigers
in a food chain – You don’t believe me!! Then research on why Indians and the
world are trying to save Tigers, because they know their extinction will kill
the food chain and destroy our environment.
Reason 2: India has 150 million cows,
each of them giving an average of less than 200 litres of milk per year. If
they could be fed and looked after, they can give 11,000 litres, as Israeli
cows do.
Reason 3: Farmers worldwide still use
cows and bulls to plough their fields - So will you eat the creature that helps
you get food? If yes, then you must also kill and eat Dogs and Cats.
Reason 4: Read my blog on “Importance of
Cow” -
Reason 5: Chickens are not at all important
in food chain.
Why are we called HUMAN? Because we care about others too
and are much superior to others. Does that give us right to kill animals especially
when we know of their importance? Ask the Jains – They don’t even kill a fly or
a mosquito, which is their sheer respect for other living beings.
74% of the world population love dogs. They know that dog
is important and man’s best friend and that is why they don’t kill and eat dog.
Same thing goes for cats and other lovable pets we humans keep and love them
as a part of our family. Cow is similarly a pet to our Hindu, Muslim and Christian
farmers in India.
In China and many other countries you can eat anything
that crawls, swims, walks or flies. I don’t have anything to talk about them;
they have no feeling towards their own beings how would they bother to care of
other living things.
“If people can’t take that death on themselves then they
have no right to give that cruel end to some speechless living being”
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